Abdominal definition with VASER® liposculpture in just one session!

There are numerous reasons why individuals strive for visible, defined abs and a toned stomach. It could be a personal goal of achieving peak physical fitness, a desire to significantly enhance their physical appearance, or to have a positive impact on their relationships. It could also be a way to generally boost self-confidence. Regardless of the motive, achieving abdominal definition can be challenging unless you opt for VASER® liposculpture, which “creates” perfect abs without stepping foot in a gym!

VASER® liposculpture has become the most popular method for local fat loss and body contouring due to its simple procedure and quick results. Utilizing modern ultrasound technology, it is minimally invasive, painless, entirely safe, and can be completed in just one session.

Why is VASER® Liposculpture Ideal for Definition?

Achieving abdominal definition can be difficult. It often requires intensive exercise over many years, a specific workout regimen, and careful monitoring of one’s diet. Even then, the desired results may not be achieved. The situation is further complicated by persistent fat deposits in the belly area that resist both exercise and dieting.

VASER® liposculpture offers a comprehensive solution, from the removal of local fat in the belly to the sculpting of muscles in the area, providing a natural, athletic definition and tonicity to the abs. The procedure is performed by a specialized plastic surgeon with extensive experience and expertise in applying specific liposuction and liposculpture methods.

What Does the VASER® Process Involve?

The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, without incisions or scars. Initially, excess fat under the skin is liquefied and then selectively removed in a very gentle manner, without damaging the surrounding tissues. Following this, the plastic surgeon uses a special technique and VASER® 4D Hi-Def to intricately work on the area around the abdominal muscles, creating shadows and curves necessary for a six-pack result. The skin, through a natural process, gradually tightens and adapts to the new anatomical shape of the abdomen, remaining smooth and firm. The result is immediately visible and continues to improve even up to six months after the liposculpture procedure. It’s also important to note that the removal of local fat is permanent, as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Are You Ready to Get Perfect Abs?

For ideal results, you should already have good muscle tone and engage in regular physical exercise. Following a healthy diet is also significantly advantageous. In other words, you should have a solid base to easily undergo the definition process and achieve an athletic appearance in the abdominal area. To determine if you are the right candidate, a consultation session with the plastic surgeon is the first step you need to take.

To schedule a complimentary assessment appointment at IQ SKIN CLINICS, specializing in Dermatology, LASER, and Plastic Surgery in Maroussi, Athens, and Glyfada, or to learn more about VASER® liposculpture, please call us at +30 210 6100900.